Just recently a very special vehicle left our production hall: The new 250 hp Renault Megane RS. The result: A doorboard-power package with a total of eight 165mm (6,5“) JEHNERT Power Woofer, angled 100mm (4“) midranges, 26mm (1“) Softdome-Neodymium tweeters and car-customised crossovers. A sound conception providing powerful basses and impressive sound dynamics . Finally we had to compete with the sports mode of the Megane regarding sound and power. But sound is nothing without design at Jehnert: thus – customised, extremely low-profiled doorboards are modifying the Megane doorbuilds to an exclusive design element.

<img title=”Renault Megan RS Soundsystem and Doorboard by Jehnert Sound Design in Filderstadt” alt=”Renault Megan RS Soundsystem and Doorboard by Jehnert Sound Design in Filderstadt” src=”https://www.jehnert.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/75198_Tuer-1024×727.png” width=”640″ height=”454″ />